It's Energy Efficiency Day!

Do you know the importance of energy efficiency? Energy Efficiency Day is a nationwide awareness event. On October 5th, more than 500 governments, organizations, corporations and utilities are celebrating by participating in reducing energy and other energy efficiency events.

What is Energy Efficiency?

According to, energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result. Energy-efficient homes and buildings use less energy to cool, heat and run appliances and other electronics. In addition, energy-efficient manufacturing facilities and buildings use less energy to produce goods and services.

Why is Energy Efficiency Important?

Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to meet your energy needs while reducing your energy costs. Because producing and running energy releases a lot of carbon emissions, by reducing your energy consumption, it helps reduce pollution, increase air quality, and conserve our resources and protect our environment.

How Can I Do My Part?

There are many ways you can get involved. You can participate by posting on social media about the benefits of energy efficiency, join a local energy efficient event or committee in your community, or use energy efficiency technologies to cut down energy waste at home.

Let Energy Efficiency Day be every day! By lowering your energy use, you will continue to help protect our environment while lowering your energy costs. To find out how can save energy today, request an appointment.